- Sarawak is the third-largest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contribution to the states of Malaysia (9.5% in 2020).
- Rich natural products, such as famous Sarawak pepper, pineapples, palm oil, timber, etc.
- Famous fish source in Malaysia, such as Empurau fish, Black Emperor fish, etc. Rich and buttery taste of those fishes create wonderful dining experience.
- Utilize our meeting rooms and use this opportunity to display your products at the gallery.
- Consider joining one of our upcoming Singapore Business Exchange Sessions.
- If your company is just starting out, you may attend one of our “Industry Outreach Programmes” to learn how best to bring your products to export readiness.
- Study the available market analysis and research publication we offer.

- Ensure that we have your company's profile in our database.
- Share with us the information of the product or services you wish to procure from Sarawak.
- Gain access to our database of Sarawak producers and sellers.
- Consider participating in our Singapore - Sarawak Business Exchange sessions.
- Share with us your perspective in establishing business with Sarawak.

• Promotion Assistance Scheme by STATOS (PASS) is a Key Sarawak Government financial assistance program for small to medium aspiring and growing export-ready businesses. It encourages local businesses to export their products and grow internationally. Eligible exporters are those who may have export promotion expenses pertaining to product development to attain acceptance in Singapore. This subsidy is strictly on an equal sharing basis, capped at a maximum of SGD 10,000 for each application.
• Promotion Assistance Scheme (PASS) Application Fom
• Promotion Assistance Scheme (PASS) Brochure

Sarawak Export Related Documents for Marine fishes 海上渔获:
Marine fishes importer & exporter license 进出口商注册执照, Food Safety & Quality Certificate 食物安全品质证书
Poultry 家禽/ Eggs 鸡蛋/ Fresh Water Fishes 淡水鱼/ Fresh Meats 生肉:
Export Permit 出口准证, MyGAP 农场优良作业证书, Food Safety & Quality Certificate 食物安全品质证书
Fresh Vegetables 新鲜蔬菜/ Fruits 水果/ Flowers 鲜花:
Phytosanitary Certificate 检疫证书, MyGAP 农场优良作业证书

Interested in joining us? Be our exporter now! STATOS provides this platform for you and it is free of charge, just fill up our form and submit to us online!
Visit our office & gallery or send us your enquiries through our online form. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible!