5 Most Beautiful Cloud Sea in Sarawak 砂拉越最美的云海
Looks like a paradise! Such a magnificent phenomena that can be observed from highlands. Let's feel the romance of this magical clouds!
Despite sitting 3,500 feet above sea level, the wind here is as gentle as life itself for the mainly farmers who still call it home. Bario (pronounced ‘Bariew’) is a village located in the northeastern region of Sarawak, bordering Indonesian Kalimantan. It is home to the Kelabit tribe, one of the many Orang Ulu (upriver) tribes of Sarawak. Bario Highland is very famous of their highland salt and rice.
There are 2 ways of getting to Bario; by air and by road. Flight departure from Miri to Bario via MASWings Twin Otter & about 45mins flight, or by 4WD will take you on rugged logging road along the terrains from Miri to the Highlands & journey approximately 10-14hrs journey (depends on the road condition & weather).
- 每日有航班从美里飞往巴里奥,搭乘飞翼航空的双水獭型飞机,航程需时45分钟。
- 或者搭乘四轮驱动车从美里出发,沿着崎岖的木山路行车,全程耗时10至14小时,胥视天气和路况而定。
2. Borneo Highland 婆罗洲高原
You can rent a car from Kuching and drive all the way to Borneo Highland Resort around 1 hour 20 minutes, or you can contact local tour group to go there. There are a many activities that can be done there, such as visiting Flower Garden, Horticulture Nursery, Organic Farm, Simangas Waterfall, mountain biking, massage classes, jungle trekking, night walking, longhouse visit, bird watching and etc.
3. Mount Mulu 姆禄山
When visiting to Mulu Cave, remember to enjoy the sea of clouds there, especially in the early morning!
4. Mount Murud 毛律山
The summit of Mount Murud (7950ft) is the highest peak in Sarawak.
5. Kampung Sapit 甘榜萨比
Located about 65km away from Kuching city, is the border of Sarawak and Indonesia. You can travel by driving 4WD there. The border of Sarawak and Indonesia.